Speed Painting Video of “The Cabin”
I finished the privately commissioned painting I’ve been working on! I might still make a few minor tweaks for my own peace of mind, but it’s basically done. I always feel a great sense of accomplishment immediately after finishing a painting (probably due to the amount of time it takes to paint them), but that quickly fades and is replaced with a lot of self-critiques. Thankfully this piece was a commission, so hopefully I won’t have to look at it long enough to want to change it, haha!
This painting took longer than usual due to some of the smaller details in it and the overall size. This video is about 5 1/2 minutes long, so that should equal about 33 hours of painting (about 13 more than I usually take)! Let me know what you think!
If you like the music in this video, definitely stop by The Owl’s Facebook page and give them a like! https://www.facebook.com/bleakvastness/